Have you met Facebook's New Emoji's?

Facebook has finally given it’s users what they’ve asked for (sort of). Users have long seeked for an alternative way to share their reactions to Facebook posts other than just the “like” button. The most popular suggestion from users was the “dislike” button. This was due to the lack of ability to express accurate feelings towards something you see on Facebook without having to leave a comment. The like button was a great tool for the majority of situations but the one size fits all format towards the content on Facebook wasn't something that users were too fond of. It also wasn't very effective to measure feed back because it wasn't an accurate measure of user's thoughts and feelings. 

On February 24th users got just that. Facebook didn't necessarily give them what they asked for with the “dislike” button but it did give them a series of emoji's that users can use to describe their feelings towards a photo, status update, or post. By giving users a greater range of ways to react to their friends’ updates, Facebook is converting its less-engaged users into more active ones. And the more things people click while using Facebook, the more accurate the data will be about how people emotionally respond to content.

Users can access these new emoji's by hovering over the “like” button in a desktop browser or holding down the “like” button on Facebook's mobile version and five animated emojis pop up. With a click of a button, you can choose from new emotions when commenting on a status update. You can tap on either the like, love, haha, wow, sad, or angry emoji's to express your reaction. With the release of these emoji's, Facebook has also updated posts in News Feed so that they will now show a tally of the reactions a post gets from each different emoji.

Facebook ‘Reactions’ boost engagement

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